
The order of execution ​ ​ ​ ​

Name step Description step
​1. Submit Apply in person at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of missions with consular functionsfor more detailed information about the address and time of filing and receiving results)
​2. To receive dossiers,consider and resolve Agency representatives review records, if anyunclear points need to verify the power of the State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs
3. Verify (if necessary) Get a direct result in their offices orrepresentatives by mail


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
​1. Registration declaration to terminate the guardianship (in the prescribed form)
​2. Decision to recognize the tutorship previously granted and produce the necessary documents to prove eligibility to terminate the guardianship, under the provisions of the Civil Code.
​3. In the case of the ward to own propertyhave been made in the listwhen registering guardianthen the request to terminate the guardianship must submit the list of assets and asset categories ofpersons present Guardian.
​4. In cases where the guardian requesting a change of guardianship andother persons eligible to act as guardian, the party registrationprocedures to terminate the guardianship of old and new registrationguardianship as stipulated.
Number of records One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified
Name form, declaration form
Register terminatechange of guardianship betweenVietnam together citizens residing abroad Download
The declaration of termination of guardianship  BTP-NGHT-2007-GH.3 Download