
The order of execution ​ ​ ​ ​

​Name step
Description step
​1. ​Submit Filing at the consular department of theVietnam representative offices abroad
To receive dossiers,consider and resolve
Consular officers examineevaluate the dossiersFilled profile casesinvalid,consular officers receive dossiers for settlement; profile cases of missing or invalid, the consular officer guidance for applicantsremake.
3. Verify (if necessary) Trong trường hợp cần phải xác minh thì cơ quan đại diện gửi văn bản đề nghị xác minh tới cơ quan có thẩm quyền
​4. Returns results Get results in consular department of theVietnam representative offices abroad
(See the list of Vietnam representative officesabroad in the electronic information pagesbelow for information about the address,schedule for filing and receiving the results).


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
​1. Declaration.
 Template TP / HT2012TKCMC.1 for cases of parents receivingchild;
 Template TP / HT2012TKCMC.2, for minor children or adult children incapacitated behavior but mothers;
 Template TP / HT2012TKCMC.3 for cases adult children mothers.
​2. A certified copy of the birth certificate or photocopy of the child’s birth certificate enclosed with the original for comparisonif the registeredbirth (in case of submission by post, submit a certified copy ).
​3. The documents, objects or other evidence to prove the relationship of father, motherchildren (if any).
​4. Copy of passport or valid substitute papers of parents and children (ifyou have the passport or valid substitute papers), produce the originalfor comparisonor certified true copies ( case filed by mail shall submit a certified copy).
Number of records
One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified
Name form, declaration form
Declaration form to register the recognition of fathers, mothers.doc Download
Declaration form to register the recognition of fathers, mothers TP.HT-2012-TKCMC.3.doc Download
Registration declaration form identifying the TP.HT-2012-TKCMC.1.doc Download